The Thirteenth International Symposium on Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification will be held in Madrid (Spain) on September 21-23, 2022.
The aim of GandALF 2022 is to bring together researchers from academia and industry which are actively working in the fields of Games, Automata, Logics, and Formal Verification. The idea is to cover an ample spectrum of themes, ranging from theory to applications, and stimulate cross-fertilization. Papers focused on formal methods are especially welcome. Authors are invited to submit original research or tool papers on all relevant topics in these areas. Papers discussing new ideas that are at an early stage of development are also welcome. The topics covered by the conference include, but are not limited to, the following:
Paper Submission: | June 10 | |
Notification: | July 24 | |
Camera-ready: | August 12 | |
Conference: | September 21-23 |
⚠ : submission, Notification and Camera-ready dates are AoE
The proceedings will be published by Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science. Authors of the best papers will be invited to submit a revised version of their work to a special issue of Logical Methods in Computer Science. The previous editions of GandALF already led to special issues of the International Journal of Foundations of Computer Science (GandALF 2010), Theoretical Computer Science (GandALF 2011 and 2012), Information and Computation (GandALF 2013, 2014, 2016, 2017, 2019 and 2020), Acta Informatica (GandALF 2015) and Logical Methods in Computer Science (2021).
Submitted papers should not exceed 14 pages (excluding references and clearly marked appendices) using EPTCS format (please use the LaTeX style provided here, be unpublished and contain original research. For papers reporting experimental results, authors are encouraged to make their data available with their submission. Submissions must be in PDF format and will be handled via the HotCRP Conference system at the following address:
GandALF will take place at the IMDEA Software Institute which is located in the Montegancedo Science and Technology Park about 10km from Madrid city centre. Besides being well connected with Madrid by public transport we will provide an additional connection by bus especially for the GandALF participants. We thus strongly recommend to stay anywhere in Madrid city centre, the closer to the Moncloa metro stop (subway line 3 and 6) the faster you will be able to reach the IMDEA Software Institute.
To attend GandALF at the IMDEA Software Institute register here.
The preferred option to get to the IMDEA Software Institute is the “GandALF bus” which will be leaving at 9:15AM Wednesday to Friday next to the Moncloa metro stop as indicated in the above picture.
We strongly recommend you to catch the GandALF bus but there is an alternative if you need it: the 865 intercity bus. Each trip costs 2€ (exact change needed) and the bus departing at 9.35AM can be very crowded.
865 Bus Departure Time |
7:50AM |
8:20AM |
9:35AM |
10:20AM |
Spanish authorities require wearing a face mask when using public transport. This includes the GandALF bus.
We will enable a zoom webinar where talks will be broadcasted unless permission is not granted by the speaker.
Zoom Meeting ID | Zoom Meeting Passcode |
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⚠ Note: hovering on a title reveals the abstract of the talk ⚠
Wojciech Czerwiński, University of Warsaw, Poland
Javier Esparza, Technische Universität München, Germany
Dana Fisman, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
Jerzy Marcinkowski, University of Wrocław, Poland # Program
09:15 | 🚌 GandALF bus goes to the IMDEA Software Institute 🚌 |
10:00 | Invited talk: Techniques for Unambiguous Systems by Wojciech Czerwiński (Chair: Pierre Ganty) |
11:00 | ☕️ Coffee break ☕️ |
Session 1: Logic Ⅰ (Chair: Adriano Peron) | |
11:30 | On the Existential Fragments of Local First-Order Logics with Data, Benedikt Bollig, Arnaud Sangnier and Olivier Stietel |
12:00 | Capturing Bisimulation-Invariant Time-Complexity Classes via Polyadic Higher-Order Fixpoint Logic, Florian Bruse, David Kronenberger and Martin Lange |
12:30 | Complexity through Translations for Modal Logic with Recursion, Luca Aceto, Antonis Achilleos, Elli Anastasiadi, Adrian Francalanza and Anna Ingolfsdottir |
13:00 | 🍽 Lunch 🍽 |
14:00 | Invited talk: Learning Languages of Infinite Words by Dana Fisman (Chair: Javier Esparza) |
15:00 | ☕️ Coffee break ☕️ |
Session 2: Automata (Chair: Stefan Haar) | |
15:30 | Schema-Based Automata Determinization, Joachim Niehren, Momar Sakho and Antonio Al Serhali |
16:00 | Generating Tokenizers with Flat Automata, Hans de Nivelle and Dina Muktubayeva |
16:45 | 🚌 GandALF bus returns to the Moncloa metro stop 🚌 |
09:15 | 🚌 GandALF bus goes to the IMDEA Software Institute 🚌 |
10:00 | Invited talk: State Complexity of Population Protocols by Javier Esparza (Chair: Dana Fisman) |
11:00 | ☕️ Coffee break ☕️ |
Session 3: Logic Ⅱ, Languages and Games (Chair: Serge Haddad) | |
11:30 | Parametric Interval Temporal Logic over infinite words, Laura Bozzelli and Adriano Peron |
12:00 | Realizable and Context-Free Hyperlanguages, Hadar Frenkel and Sarai Sheinvald |
12:30 | Controller synthesis for Timeline-based games, Renato Acampora, Luca Geatti, Nicola Gigante, Angelo Montanari and Valentino Picotti |
13:00 | 🍽 Lunch 🍽 |
Session 4: Security and Robustness (Chair: Angelo Montanari) | |
14:00 | CryptoSolve: A Tool for the Analysis of Cryptographic Modes of Operation, Dalton Chichester, Wei Du, Raymond Kauffman, Hai Lin, Christopher Lynch, Andrew M. Marshall, Catherine A. Meadows, Paliath Narendran, Veena Ravishankar, Luis Rovira and Brandon Rozek |
14:30 | Adversarial Formal Semantics of Attack Trees and Related Problems, Thomas Brihaye, Sophie Pinchinat and Alexandre Terefenko |
15:00 | Analyzing Robustness of Angluin’s L* Algorithm in Presence of Noise, Igor Khmelnitsky, Serge Haddad, Lina Ye, Benoît Barbot, Benedikt Bollig, Martin Leucker, Daniel Neider and Rajarshi Roy |
15:45 | 🚌 GandALF bus returns to the Moncloa metro stop 🚌 |
18:10 | 🖼️ Guided tour at the Sorolla Museum 🖼️ |
20:15 | 🥂 Dinner at the Taberna Pedraza 🥂 |
09:15 | 🚌 GandALF bus goes to the IMDEA Software Institute 🚌 |
10:00 | Invited talk: Towards Multiset Semantics Database Theory: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Linear Algebra by Jerzy Marcinkowski (Chair: Dario Della Monica) |
11:00 | ☕️ Coffee break ☕️ |
Session 5: Concurrency (Chair: Hadar Frenkel) | |
11:30 | Avoid One’s Doom: Finding Cliff-Edge Configurations in Petri Nets, Giann Karlo Aguirre-Samboní, Stefan Haar, Loic Paulevé, Stefan Schwoon and Nick Würdemann |
12:00 | Comparing Channel Restrictions of Communicating State Machines, High-level Message Sequence Charts, and Multiparty Session Types, Felix Stutz and Damien Zufferey |
12:30 | Characterizing the Decidability of Finite State Automata Team Games with Communication, Michael Coulombe and Jayson Lynch |
13:15 | 🚌 GandALF bus returns to the Moncloa metro stop 🚌 |
The proceedings for GandALF 2022 are published as EPTCS volume 370 and are available at: A PDF file of the proceedings is available at:
Pierre Ganty★ | IMDEA Software Institute | Spain |
Dario Della Monica★ | University of Udine | Italy |
Christel Baier | TU Dresden | Germany |
Suguman Bansal | University of Pennsylvania | USA |
Nathalie Bertrand | Inria | France |
Filippo Bonchi | University of Pisa | Italy |
Laura Bozzelli | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | Italy |
Véronique Bruyère | University of Mons | Belgium |
David de Frutos Escrig | Universidad Complutense de Madrid | Spain |
Cezara Drăgoi | AWS | |
Mohamed Faouzi Atig | Uppsala University | Sweden |
Adrian Francalanza | University of Malta | Malta |
Orna Kupferman | The Hebrew University | Israel |
Konstantinos Mamouras | Rice University | USA |
Roland Meyer | TU Braunschweig | Germany |
Fabio Mogavero | Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II | Italy |
Paritosh Pandya | IIT Bombay | India |
Paweł Parys | University of Warsaw | Poland |
Guillermo Pérez | University of Antwerp | Belgium |
Pierre-Alain Reynier | LIS, Aix-Marseille University & CNRS | France |
Andrea Turrini | Institute of Software, Chinese Academy of Sciences | China |
Georg Zetzsche | Max Planck Institute for Software Systems (MPI-SWS) | Germany |
★: co-chair
Luca Aceto | Reykjavik University | Iceland |
Javier Esparza | University of Munich | Germany |
Salvatore La Torre | University of Salerno | Italy |
Angelo Montanari | University of Udine | Italy |
Mimmo Parente | University of Salerno | Italy |
Jean-François Raskin | Université libre de Bruxelles | Belgium |
Martin Zimmermann | Aalborg University | Denmark |
Copyright © 2022. Last updated 23 September 2022 08:00 UTC.